Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chichi of London 'Skylab' NASA Flight Suit ...

Chichi of London 'Skylab'  NASA Flight Suit ...
Oh this is a fun One ... grins .. In honor of the USA last NASA Mission
Chichi of London Releases  this Hot number .. and It is a beauty !! 
Product: Chichi of London 'Skylab' LE cc0131
~Complete NASA Female Crew Suit, in 4 versions including full EVA (Space Survival) Suit, and 3 pilot jumpsuit variations.
~ Versatile 20 piece Suit Set can be worn to taste in multiple variations.
from Couture fashion statement Pilot Jumpsuit, to fully detailed and technically accurate
NASA Space Station EVA Suit, all sculpt parts provided.
Chichi Skylab Features:
~100% Technically accurate Jumpsuit detailing.
~Micro Detailed Texturing
~Hyper realistic look
~4 Alternate versions standard, many other combination looks possible
Product: Chichi of London 'Skylab' LE cc0131
Two helmets one to wear .. One to carry .. Plus the NASA Cap
4 adorable tops
Product: Chichi of London 'Skylab' LE cc0131
~ Low Lod (Fast rezzing) Precision Sculpt Parts.
In The Box:
~Tops (4)
~Upper Arm Sculpts (2)
~Lower Arm Sculpts (2)
~Boot base
~Helmet- worn
~Helmet, carried 
~Life Support/ Propellant Pack
Product: Chichi of London 'Skylab' LE cc0131
Have fun on the grid with this clever creative...
Breezy sure has ... *smiles*
A Brief History of Women in Spacefight:
Women began flying in space only two years after the first human spaceflight in history, performed by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961. The first female to fly was cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, who piloted the Soviet Union's Vostok 6 mission in June 1963,
 becoming the first woman in space.
Twenty years later, the first American woman in space, Sally Ride, flew on the space shuttle Challenger in June 1983.
Since then, women have made many more firsts in space, including the first woman spacewalker — Russian Svetlana Savitskaya in 1984 — and the first woman to command the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson in 2007.
Another record was broken in April 2010 when four women — three NASA astronauts and one Japanese astronaut — met on the International Space Station and became the most female spaceflyers in orbit at the same time.
- Chichi of London Slylab Nasa Flightsuit
Now on Market Place
and in World
Chichi of London Slylab Nasa Flightsuit
Now on Market Place
and in World

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